What is a lead generation strategy?

What is a lead generation strategy?

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Have you heard about 'Lead Generation' several times and still not clear what it is for and how it can help your business grow exponentially? If the answer is yes, then this article is for you.

Generating Leads consists of attracting your ideal clients by generating a potential sales contact in a natural and fluid way through content of value to them.

Let's start by reviewing what a lead is. We could say that it is a user who visits our website, online store or even an event and is interested because he sees something of value for himself.

This person naturally leaves us their contact information on a form and is no longer just a number on our visitor count, but a person with whom we can enter into real communication with your approval.

The Content Marketing Institute cited IBM Digital Experience Surge in 2015 concluding that 56% of marketing executives are convinced that customized content for each of these leads promotes higher attraction and effectiveness rates. That's why creating valuable content becomes crucial in lead generation strategies.

According to HubSpot, 1 out of 10 content websites become recurring visitors, indicating that if the content attracted our ideal customers the first time, they are more likely to keep visiting that blog or website until it becomes a lead.

For example, do you have in mind a website that you loved and left your name and email to download an e-book that you found useful? Voila! You're a lead. But don't worry, it's a natural step in effective online sales processes.

>> Do you really have qualified leads? This is how you can find out

"Generating leads is a key point in a company's journey to becoming an ideal business."

Practical guide to increase your conversion rate
and close more business.

So why is lead generation necessary?

As we mentioned, leads are a potential contact in sales. This means that a person approached us organically, interested in the content we generate on our website. This makes more sense if we take into account a recent study by the U.S. agency Impact, which says that companies that have a blog or content site get 126% more lead growth than those that do not.

The moment that person discovers that our content is useful to them, the transition from just being a stranger to becoming a customer is much more natural and can be faster than we thought. Once we have this lead base, we can start to generate our sales funnel, receive information about users' immediate interests, generate new leads, and even increase the conversion effectiveness of those leads.

In order to generate leads more easily and effectively, there are some key actions you can follow:

  • Create simple designs. This may be the first time you've heard this, and you're probably used to investing high budgets in design, however, we've found that the simpler and cleaner your graphic resources are on your website where you host the content, the better performance you're going to have. Bet on the simple and forceful to generate leads, but if you want to do branding you can focus on making more elaborate designs. But if you want to sell, less is more.
  • Create simple and impressive landing pages. It has been proven that landing pages or websites that are simpler and have fewer distractions offer better performance. Landing pages are a key factor when it comes to generating leads, as they are the link that leads to the form where information is entered and people start to become potential customers. So it is of vital importance to impact the user with the content we decide to include.
  • Use call to actions within your publications. If you are sharing valuable content with your buyer person, it is key that you include call to action that leads the user to download something: computer graphics, ebooks or basic guides that give them relevant information according to what they are looking for. Putting yourself in the user's place, if you are being given valuable and interesting content you will not hesitate to simply leave your name and email.
  • Use the magic of storytelling. It is important to know your buyer persona very well so that you can create content that generates a point of connection with them. Although stories that generate leads are a challenge, they can be an excellent alternative to attract new customers, as long as they respond to a particular user need or problem. We can advise you on how to tell stories that are relevant to your ideal clients.
  • Say goodbye to mass emails. Of course, it's not enough just to get a potential client's email address to start bombarding him with messages full of generic information that doesn't interest him. To convert that lead from cold to hot, you need to do a personalized follow-up based on their interests, pains and tastes. And you might ask yourself how do I know what interests each of my potential clients? First you must create your own buyer, we can help you in that process. Then, you must offer them in that email, what really interests each of them, the automated system will help you.

It is definitely crucial that you are implementing different strategies to know which one is the best performer according to your type of business.

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Remember that the main thing in this case is to know your ideal clients in depth, so that you can offer them what they really need.

If you want to implement these strategies to start generating leads and grow your business and you have doubts or do not know how to do it, we can advise you, it is always important to go hand in hand with experts to save time and money. Call us.