How to optimize your SEO for Google's new algorithms and new search trends in 2023

How to optimize your SEO for Google's new algorithms and new search trends in 2023

Reading time: 4 minutes

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the set of techniques applied to a website and its content to improve its positioning in search engines.

SEO is essential to increase the visibility, traffic and conversions of any online business.

However, SEO is not static, it is constantly adapting to the changes that Google introduces in its algorithm. Google's algorithm is the system that determines which pages are the most relevant and useful for each user query.

The algorithm is updated frequently to provide better results and combat spam.

This is why it is important to keep up to date with the latest developments in the algorithm and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing positions or even being penalized by Google.

In this article we are going to explain what are the main changes in Google's algorithm for 2023 and how you can optimize your SEO to take advantage of them.

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The main changes in Google's algorithm for 2023

Google has announced that in 2023 it will implement a new update called Multitask Unified Model (MUM). This update aims to improve the search engine's understanding and response to complex, multilingual queries.

To do so, Google will use an artificial intelligence-based model that combines multiple tasks such as understanding text, image and voice; analyzing different languages and generating relevant information from different sources.

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In addition, Google will also continue to take into account other factors related to user experience, for example:

  • Core Web Vitals, which evaluate aspects such as loading time, interactivity and visual stability of pages.
  • Adaptability to mobile devices.
  • Safe navigation.
  • The use of HTTPS.
  • The absence of intrusive pop-up windows.

These factors will influence the ranking of web pages, so it is important to optimize them to provide a good experience for users and Google.

How to optimize your SEO for Google's new algorithms

Here are some practical tips to optimize your SEO according to the new Google algorithm criteria:

  • Improve the technical performance of your website: use tools such as PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse to measure and improve the Core Web Vitals (LCP, FID and CLS) of your pages.
  • Adapt your website to mobile devices: use a responsive design that adjusts to the size and orientation of each screen. Check if your pages meet the minimum requirements with the mobile optimization test.
  • Secure your website: use an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate to enable HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) on your domain. This protects the information transmitted between your website and your users.
  • Avoid intrusive pop-ups: limit the use of pop-ups or banners that make it difficult to read or navigate your pages. If you are going to use them, make sure they are easy to close or minimize, and do not take up too much space.
  • Create relevant and original content: offer useful, updated and truthful information on your topic or sector. Use keywords related to what your users are looking for, but do not overuse them or force their inclusion. Write with a clear, simple and natural tone and structure your texts well with titles, subtitles, lists and short paragraphs.
  • Adapt your content to complex and multilingual queries: anticipate the possible doubts or needs of your users and offer clear and complete answers. Use different formats such as text, image, video or audio to enrich your content. If your audience is international, consider translating your website into other languages or using automatic translation tools.
  • Build trust and authority: demonstrate your expertise and credibility in your sector or industry. Include data, statistics, testimonials or references to back up your claims. Cite the sources of information you use and avoid plagiarism or duplication of content.
  • Optimize off-page SEO: work on the positioning of your website from outside it. Generate quality links from other websites related to your topic or sector. Create profiles on social networks and share your content with your audience. Ask for reviews or ratings from your customers or users.

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SEO is an essential strategy for any online business that wants to stand out in search engines. However, SEO is not fixed, but changes according to the criteria of Google's algorithm.

Therefore, it is important to keep abreast of new developments in the algorithm and adapt the website and content to new requirements and trends.

If you want to know more about how to improve your SEO, schedule a call with us.

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