B2B Marketing Insights 2

Reaching buyers with the power to act

 B2B buying cycles are long, emotion-driven and involve many stakeholders. Make sure you know who your marketing is reaching and how your buyers are reacting to it.

Navigating the B2B buying cycle can be complex, so reaching the right stakeholder group is key.

And it’s clear that marketing can play a pivotal role in how that stakeholder group responds.

  • Considerations about whether a purchase can enhance the buyer’s reputation or reduce anxiety play a large role in the B2B buying decision. Harvard Business Review
  • 95% of decision-makers state that, even before contacting a supplier, feeling a sense of connection to a supplier’s brand is as important as feeling confident about what they do. B2B International
Too many B2B marketers underestimate the importance of branding to their success, focusing instead on a product-based appeal to buyers."
Forrester Research, What B2B Buyers Crave

Multiple stakeholders influence every sale

Winning brands drive consensus and catalyze collective action across the buying committee.

Reaching everyone on the buying committee is one of the hardest parts of B2B marketing – and one of the most important when you’re selling high consideration products and services.

You succeed by reaching and building relationships with prospects who wield decision-making authority. That’s why it’s essential to engage high-quality buyers in a professional context.

Reach your target audience on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has over 690+ million members around the world
4 of 5 members drive business decision

Marketers can tap into our powerful demographic data to

  • Precisely target audiences

  • Zero in on intent, behavior, engagement, interests and more

  • Reach everyone involved in the buying decision

Trey Buchanan
Senior Manager

With these campaigns, we can know exactly who this job title is that’s in front of this ad, and what company they’re at. And it makes our job of finding these people much easier.”

Thanks to the quality of their content and precision of their targeting, ServiceMax and Metric Theory have seen strong overall results with their campaign. But the real breakthrough came from the decision to focus their efforts on LinkedIn Groups.

The Groups campaign outperformed even Retargeting campaigns, producing an incremental surge in quality leads at a 16% lower cost per lead: 189 leads captured at a CPL lower than benchmark.

Our solutions for reaching professional audiences

More B2B Fundamentals

Driving engagement

with those audiences

Building trust

along the way

Learn the science of marketing to professionals with our new learning center, LinkedIn Marketing Labs

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Do business where business is done

LinkedIn is the foundation for B2B marketing, a unique advertising platform where you can achieve your short- and long-term objectives.

Reach the people that matter to your business. Engage them against a backdrop of standup brands, professional insights and learning resources – in an environment where they’re in a business mindset.