How to move to effective and seamless remote selling

How to move to effective and seamless remote selling

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Nowadays, salespeople who were used to having direct contact with their customers and to face-to-face demonstrations have had to adapt, from one day to the next, their sales to remote mode.

The new normality has brought with it uncertainty, doubt and confusion about how to leverage digital tools to make the buyer's experience satisfactory, and for sellers to meet their business goals. Sound familiar?

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Here are 5 tips to make the relationship with your clients, prospects and colleagues as effective as if they were face to face.

1. Adopt interactive presentations

As you think about your next sales meeting, you may have in mind that video conferencing is the best resource, but this will depend entirely on your prospect. Although experts recommend using video calls to maintain enthusiasm in work groups, your clients may not feel comfortable with this option. According to Loopup, only 12% of people are as comfortable on a video call as they would be on a phone call.

That's why you choose interactive, animated and dynamic presentations, which attract the prospect's attention while they know what you have to offer. Also remember to ask them if they prefer communication through video calls, phone calls or other channels more in line with their routine.

2. Impact with value sales

According to the CeB Marketing Leadership Council, 57% of buyers' decisions are made before they pick up the phone and talk to you, so by the time they engage with your brand, they already know your business and your services or products.

If they contact you, it's probably because of a variable they don't know yet, which could be a price justification. In this contact it is important to emphasize the value your offer will bring to your prospect or his company, and the return on investment. Make presentations that include this type of data, and others such as total cost of ownership (TCO) calculators.

This tactic is so effective that 74 % of the buyers tend to be inclined towards the company that provides them with this type of information.

Call or email? Guide to
todetermine when to use what.

3. Take advantage of remote learning

Countless events have been postponed or cancelled because of COVID-19, including those for sales training. But this does not prevent you from continuing to convey relevant information about your service, product or industry, or from continuing to train your team.

Micro-learning uses video modules to educate vendors, and has proven to be more effective than learning in a traditional classroom. And as a bonus, you'll have greater flexibility in selecting schedules and topics.

4. Make the most of your marketing budget

It is common for marketing budgets to be one of the first to be cut during times of crisis, so it is crucial to understand what kind of content works and what doesn't. According to The Whole Brain Group, 95% of customers choose brands that offer them relevant content during each stage of the purchase process.

It's possible that not all of the content produced is being used by the sales team, so be sure to identify the parts that generate the greatest return on investment. Systems with artificial intelligence that are integrated with your CRM can help you obtain this information.

5. Recognize that it is more expensive to do nothing

If your company is still considering the pros and cons of starting to sell remotely, it's important to also consider how much the delay or lack of it will cost you. This could be much more detrimental to your business than adopting the tools necessary to adapt your sales to the new market and keep your business moving.

To reduce the risk, consider implementing a sales enablement platform that allows you to use all the strategies described above, that accompanies you in the task of running your business from home and that facilitates the work of your sales teams.

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At Innova Marketing Solutions we want to show you the potential your company has to accelerate its sales through digital resources, and we are ready to put our hands to work. If you don't know how, schedule here a free call of 30 minutes and discuss with our experts how to apply these techniques in your sales process.