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It is common to read about the importance of creating a strong brand to drive your business forward, in fact 77% of B2B marketers say that a well-defined brand is critical to achieving their growth plans. Now, here comes the factor that makes many managers think: how much will it cost me to achieve that? And the truth is that even if the ROI is worth it and saves you money in the medium and long term, it is possible that the monetary factor is a limiting factor for growing companies.
But the truth is that you can't overlook this work.Branding will give meaning, voice, value and identity to your brand, and this will allow the development of your business through the recognition and delight of your customers. That's why today we show you 7 steps to work on your brand without spending tons of money.
Create your buyer persona to understand your audience
Creating specific messages for your audience is fundamental to attract qualified leads, but do you know who your audience is? This semi-fictional representation of your customers' characteristics and interests will make it much easier to create content and solutions that appeal to your users.
Adele Revella, creator of the Buyer Persona Institute, assures that buyer personas "are a tool that generates confidence to persuade buyers to choose you over your competition". In addition, 90% of the companies that use these profiles have been able to better understand their buyers, and therefore, create more appropriate content to achieve their sales goals.
Develop an identity and voice for your brand
Some brands convey joy with their content, others safety and others an adventurous spirit. Have you already determined what your brand will convey? If not, it's time to define your identity and tone of voice.
This reflection will allow you to specify what your brand values are, what you want to represent and how you want your audience to refer to you.
This definition will be a guide to know how to structure your messages and how to respond to your customers, and will allow all members of your team to be consistent and perfectly represent a unique voice for your brand.
Create a constant presence on social networks
Now that you know your ideal customer and what the voice of your brand is, it's time to start interacting, and there is no better channel for that than social media.
These tools not only bring you face to face with your audience to engage in conversations, but also show you their online behaviors, the times they choose to connect, the platforms they prefer, their topics of interest, among others.
Did you know that 54% of the times users use social browsers they do it to locate information about a product? So, if your brand does not have a presence in social networks, you are not only preventing them from knowing you, but you are leaving the doors open for your competitors to stand out in this area.
What is and how to create a Buyer Persona?
The Complete Guide
Create a blog for your company
We have previously said that content is key to attract your potential customers, and for this the blog is a fundamental resource. By having clarity about your buyer persona, this tool allows you to create relevant content to solve their particular doubts and problems, and to show the value and experience that your brand has to offer. In addition, it is economically favorable: those companies that have prioritized content in their blogs are 13 times more likely to have a positive ROI.
Make customer service a priority
Can you imagine not paying for positive content about your brand and still having it spread? This is possible with top-notch customer service. For example, have you seen how Pepsi and Coca-Cola fans open extensive discussions without any intervention from either brand? Or how so many users recommend shopping on Amazon because of the ease of the process? If you give your customers an extraordinary experience, you will get earned media, which HubSpot defines as "the recognition your brand has earned, without paying for it, from people talking about something you did that was memorable.
Lean on cobranding
Alliances between brands can be really favorable, especially when we are looking to expand our reach. Butthis choice cannot be random: HubSpot ensures that you must take into account three elements before choosing your partner:
- Will your partner's audience be interested in your brand?
- Will your audience trust your allied brand?
- Do you have something to offer to your partner and can they offer something to you?
The idea is to achieve a win-win partnership, while maintaining consistency in terms of your brand values and what you want to convey. Maintaining this consistency can increase your profits by up to 23%.
Present a masterclass or a webinar
6 out of 10 marketers claim to use webinars to promote their content. And why are these tools so widely used? If we talk about your brand providing useful content for your audience, this is the moment in which you exploit all those topics in which your brand wants to demonstrate authority, knowledge and experience.
Let's take an example: one law firm claims on its social networks to be the best in resolving immigration cases, but another firm decides to do a webinar a month to answer the most frequent questions, or a masterclass for law students. Which option will project more confidence and experience?
>>Webinars were important, now they are a necessary sales tool
See, building a powerful brand should not depend on a huge budget, but it does require constant, dedicated and conscious work to achieve goals and get the fruits we want: an engaged audience, an increase in qualified leads and sales. Noah Everett, founder of Twitpic, said "don't worry about funding if you don't need it. Today it's cheaper than ever to start a business".
And the truth is that with today's technology you can boost your brand without sacrificing your economic stability. At Innova Marketing Solutions you can get a free 30-minute consultation with our consultants to learn what steps to take to lead your company to success.